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CDS SSB 2020 Interview Process :
All the applicants of CDS 2 2020 who have successfully qualified the written exam are now required to register themselves for the next round of SSB Interview.
They need to log onto the official online website of Indian Army – joinindianarmy.nic.in in just two weeks of written test’s result.
After it, shortlisted candidates will be allotted Selection Centres and Interview dates.The candidates who have already registered for the same are not required to do it again.
CDS Selection Process
UPSC is conducting CDS 2020 Exam for filling up the vacancy of total 344 posts. CDSE Selection Process includes two basic stages-
- Stage I (Written Exam) – Candidates have to attempt three papers for selection in INA, IMA and AFA but OTA candidates have to only give 2 papers.
- Stage II (SSB Round)- Candidates have to appear for the SSB Interview round which is a 5-day process comprising of personality tests, psychological tests, personal interview and group task activities (indoor and outdoor).
≡ Following is the Day By Day CDS SSB Schedule.
CDS 2020 SSB Day 1 – Reporting Day
It is known as Reporting Day. Tests begin itself on this day. It is quite a challenge as only 30% of candidates get success while 70% of candidates get fail and are returned home.
Firstly the reporting by the candidates is then it is followed by the briefing process which is done by the officers who tell about the 5-day process schedule.
On Day 1 Picture Perception and Discussion Test,) is taken. In this, a candidate is given 4 minutes to write a story based on a picture shown and they have to tell in detail what is happening now and what will happen next.
CDS SSB Day 2 includes the Psychological Test which involves the four separate tests:-
- Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)-In this test a candidate has to write 12 stories on pictures shown on the screen shown one by another. 30 seconds is for viewing while 4 minutes is given for writing.
- Situation Reaction Test (SRT).- A total of 60 unfamiliar, stressful and real-life situations are given to which the candidate has to give a spontaneous answer. The total time is 60 minutes.
- Word Association Test (WAT)- In this test 60 words are given to that candidate and he has 15 seconds for each to write the first thought on it which comes in their mind.
- Self Description (SD)- In this test, a candidate has to give his/ her opinion on family, teachers, friends and himself/herself. They have to answer in three-four lines on each.
CDS SSB Day 3 & Day 4
No fixed schedule is there for these 2 days. These two days are dedicated to GTO Tasks and PI (Personal Interview) Group tasks are held under the supervision of the Group Testing Officer (GTO).
Time and dates are decided only by the board and candidates should check the schedule on the notice board respectively. GTO tasks have a total of 9 activities. These activities are done in Indoor and Outdoor include-
CDS SSB 2020 Interview Process
GTO Indoor Activities
- GD (Group Discussion)
- Military Planning Excercise.
- Lecturette
GTO Outdoor Activities
- Progressive Group Task
- Snake Race
- Half Group Task
- Individual Obstacles
- Command Task
- Final Group Task
The interview round duration is 30 to 60 minutes. In this round, a candidate is required to carry all certificates related to academics and extra-curricular activities.
CDS SSB 2020 Interview Process
CDS SSB DAY 5 – Final Day
Final Day of CDS SSB is also called as Conference Day. A conference is a place where all officers are present in Army uniforms. This day is reserved only for result declaration while in some cases in the interview of some candidates may be taken up. It may happen before the conference.
CDS SSB 2020 Interview Process
All candidates are called in the conference where their individual result is announced. The selected candidates are to remain for further formalities while non-selected candidates are to depart back to their respective homes.
Candidates have to carry the following dressing items under the Dress Code :-
- Two pair of White Shirt or T-Shirt.
- Trousers or Shorts or Track Suit or Salwar-Kameez (for girls)
- Pair of sports shoes with white socks.
PREPARE SSB INTERVIEW WITH THE BEST Coaching- Trishul Defence Academy.
If you want to get full success with flying colours in the final important round of SSB Interview Join Trishul Defence Academy- Northern India’s #1 Defence Coaching Today.
Under the guidance of SSB Guru Wing Commander Anoop Mehrotra (Ex NDA, Ex GTO, 19 SSB Allahabad, 4 AFSB Varanasi and 2 AFSB Mysore) prepare for each and every test of SSB with full expertise. Ranging from written, psychological or group tasks, with TDA you are determined for success.
Connect with Trishul Defence Academy for the latest updates, notifications.
Call and connect with us to book a seat for yourself for the upcoming batch of 2021-22. Special discount offer on booking at the earliest.
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Phone: 084000 83030