Army Deputy Chief Lt Gen SK Saini said on Wednesday that amid the global struggle against the coronavirus epidemic, many countries seized the opportunity to increase their military, economic and political supremacy.
Addressing an event organized by Bangladesh’s National Defense College digitally, Lieutenant General Saini said that while various countries are struggling to control the virus, some countries have increased their dominance militarily, economically and politically.
Seized this opportunity which is not auspicious for the world community. His remarks are being seen in the indirect context of China, which despite this epidemic, has been criticized for trying to increase its military influence in the South China Sea and the Indian Pacific Ocean.
India and China have been facing a confrontation over the border dispute in eastern Ladakh for nearly seven months. This situation arose after China’s aggressive behavior.
According to the Army statement, Saini said that the strategic security of most countries has been affected due to the reduction of military capacity and funds in the projects as huge amount was spent on extremely health needs.
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