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SSB Interview Preparation Complete Procedure
SSB stands for Service Selection Board, basically a board of minimum 3 or more officers who adjudge a candidate for Psychology, GTO (Ground Testing Officer) & IO (Interviewing Officer).
This board is looking for 15 OLQ (Officer Like Qualities) in a candidate. This complete process takes about 5 days and an additional week or so if a candidate is recommended by the board.
Services Selection Board (SSB) is an organization that assesses the candidate for becoming officers into the Indian Armed Forces. SSB Screens the candidates for the Army, Navy and Air Force. SSB Interview is five days long procedure which includes two stages of testing as stage I & stage II. The stage (I) will consist of Officer Intelligence Rating Test (OIRT) and Picture Perception & Description Test (PPDT) and then comes the stage (II), which will consist of Group Testing Officer Tasks (G.T.O), Psychology Tests, Personal Interview and the Conference.
SSB Interview Preparation Complete Procedure
Let’s study in details.
DAY 1: Screening Test
When you report to the centre you’ll be given documents to fill up and chest numbers allotted for screening test it also covers events like document verification, registration etc. Main events involve Officer’s Intelligence Rating Test (OIRT) and Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT).
- Officer’s Intelligence Rating Test (OIRT)
OIRT includes Non verbal and Verbal Reasoning covering topics like:
Number series, Cubes, Patterns, Direction sense test, Intelligence tests, Coding decoding, Odd one out, Blood Relations etc. The test includes two different papers.
- 1st paper verbal 50 questions (time limit varies)
- 2nd paper Non Verbal 50 questions (time limit varies)
- Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT)
The second test involves writing of a story on one given picture (As in TAT), narrating the same individually and finally a Group Discussion where in the candidates (Between 15 to 20) after hearing each other story are required to discuss and formulate one common story. The time for discussion is about 15-20 minutes. Writing, narration and discussion have to be done in English. As one can see from the test, candidate communication skills will come into play and those not able to speak will automatically have minimal chances of passing. The candidates are advised to practice speaking in English to improve their chances of passing. Only about 30% candidates get screened in.
DAY 2: Psychological Test
The psychological test is conducted to assess the potential of a candidate in terms of qualities or personality trait that are desired in a potential officer material. This is a written exam consisting of four different tests and is considered as an important task of day 2 of the five day testing schedule. Through this test the psychologist is able to read the actual personality of the candidate since they give their responses in terms of their thoughts. The psychological test procedure consists of four different tests. They are mentioned below:
- TAT (Thematic Appreciation Test): TAT is similar to the Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT). The test consists of 12 slides with ambiguous pictures that are shown and based on each picture candidate has to write a response in the form of a story. Out of those 12 slides, 11 slides have pictures and the last slide is empty where the candidate is free to write a story based on his/ her thoughts.
- Word Association Test (WAT): WAT is conducted to check the subconscious behavior of the candidate. This is a projector based test. The test consists of 60 different words that are displayed on the projector for 15 seconds. In this span of time the candidate has to think as well as frame a sentence through that word.
- Situation Reaction Test (SRT): SRT is a test of how to react to a situation. Some situations are given to the candidates and they are asked to write an appropriate response as to what he/ she might do in the situation or how would they react if in that situation. SRT brings out the natural qualities of a candidate without giving them much time to think.
- Self Description Test (SDT): Self Description Test is the test in which all candidates have to write about themselves in details. Questions are very casual but are helpful to assess candidate personality. This is just about writing four short paragraphs about what your family thinks about you, what your friends think about you, what your teachers think about you and most importantly where do you see yourself.
DAY 3: Group Testing Officer (GTO)
It is a series of outdoor tasks, designed to access a candidate’s qualities in a group and how they get involve with each others in a group. The Group discussion and Progressive group task is used by the GTO to reach into a picture of the personalities of candidates and other tasks like Half Group task, Individual obstacles, Inter Group Obstacle Race , Group Lecturette are designed to confirm the earlier findings of the GTO and also to change the assumption about a candidate.
SSB Interview Preparation Complete Procedure
GTO task consists of 9 different tests. All of them are explained below:
- Group Discussion: Group Discussion (GD) is the first test in GTO Tests. It is a friendly and informal talk on the topics of common interests but of controversial nature. GD is similar to what you do sitting with your friends in the canteen of your school/college or units of your regiment etc. There are 2 group discussions and each will be for approximately 15 Minutes.
- Group Planning Exercise (GPE): It is an indoor task. All the participants are briefed about the task while they are sitting in a horseshoe formation with the map/modal placed between them. There are five stages.
- The G.T.O introduces the candidates to the map or the model in a simple and detailed manner.
- The G.T.O then reads out a story and relates it to the map/model.
- The same story card is handed over to the candidates individually for them to read and understand in the five minutes allotted.
- The candidates are then given 10minutes to make their plans individually and also write the plan.
- Once the plans are written individually, the group is then put through a discussion for 15-20 minutes with an aim to work out a common plan.
- Progressive Group Task (PGT): Progressive Group Task of SSB interviews is one of the most important outdoor tests of GTO tests. PGT test is very helpful for GTO officers to assess all candidates for various OLQ’s such as team spirit, self confidence and ability of proper planning. This SSB interview test is designed in such a way that it has to be completed by a team and not an individual. The test includes few problems and few objectives for which the group needs to find out solution. Not only finding solution is important, but to accomplish the objective by using that solution is also lays a vital role in getting recommended by the SSB board.
- Half Group Task: Similar to the PGT but only 1 Major Obstacle has to be tackled. The group size will be halved. Each half group will attempt a different obstacle. Helping material provided: Rope, Plank, Wooden Log and Load.
- Group Obstacle Race or Snake Race: Group Obstacle Race (GOR) is one of the interesting but painful tasks in SSB Interviews, it is interesting because you have to cheer a lot and you will enjoy as you will compete with other groups and painful because you would be one of the lucky persons who escaped uninjured. This is a race in which your group will compete with other groups.
- Individual Obstacle: Each candidate will individually run the course of the 10 obstacles. In this task you have to perform 10 obstacles in 3 Minutes, you can repeat the Obstacles to increase your marks.
- Lecturette: This is one of the most important tasks of the GTO task in SSB interview. The candidates are made to sit in a circle and every candidate is given a topic and he has to speak on it. The time allotted is three minutes.
- Command Task: The GTO will brief the candidate about the obstacle and makes him/her a commander. The GTO asks the candidate to call 2 subordinates. The aim of this task is to find the commanding capability of the candidate.
- Final Group Task (FGT): This is the last and final task in GTO series, it is similar to PGT. The entire group is participated in this task and there is only one obstacle.
DAY 4: Personal Interview
It is a main key which decides your recommendation in the SSB Interview, SSB Interview questions and answers plays vital role in the assessment of the candidate. How to face the IO [Interviewing officer] in the SSB is the major concern here, one wrong move can tarnish your image and reduce your chances to get recommend.
DAY 5: Conference
On fifth day, only final board conference is conducted and the results are announced by SSB board officials. In this the candidates face few questions like how was your stay or what did you learn from this.
For any query write us on the comment section below. You can also contact Trishul Defence Academy at the numbers provided below or get free counselling at your nearest centre of Trishul Defence Academy.
Trishul Defence Academy ( SSB Interview Procedure )
SSB Interview Preparation Complete Procedure
Corporate office: -Gayatri Dham Building, Milan Tower, Behind Max Mall, Civil Lines, Prayagraj (U.P.) 211001, Contact: 8400083030
Branch Offices :
BAREILLY:– 35A Civil Lines, Chauki Chauraha, Near Amaya Hotel, Bareilly (U.P.) Contact : 9690502728
DEHRADUN : – 108C, Top Floor Haridwar Road, Above ICICI bank, Dharampur Branch, Dharampur, Dehradun Contact: 8400083030
RANCHI: – 6th Floor Jagganath Tower, 403, Circular Road, Lalpur, Ahirtoli, Ranchi (Jharkhand) Contact: 9934113030
GWALIOR:- 106 MLB colony, Near Miss school, Padav, i.e. Gwalior Contact: 6262063030
Website: www.trishuldefenceacademy.com
Mail us at– info.trishuldefenceacademy@gmail.com
Jai Hind
SSB Interview Preparation Complete Procedure