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How To Write PPDT Stories : PPDT (Picture Perception and Description Test) involves writing a story on one given picture (As in TAT), narrating the same individually and finally a Group Discussion wherein the candidates (Between 15 to 20) after hearing each other story are required to discuss and formulate one common story.
The candidates are shown a blurred picture for a time period of 30 seconds. Based on it, candidates are then alloted a time period of 4 minutes to write a story on it. The story should contain the details related to the picture such as- what led to the situation, what is happening now and what will be the outcome. (Past, Present & Future).
Candidates are also expected to mark all the characters shown in the box present at the left side of the paper with encirclement of position of the central character in the picture. The details of the character in the picture such as Age, Sex (Male or Female), and Mood should also be mentioned. 1 minute extra is alloted to write the action before starting the story.
Now a Group Discussion is conducted wherein the candidates (Between 15 to 20) after hearing each other’s story are required to discuss and formulate one common story. One student is chosen among the group to narrate the common story.
The time for discussion is about 15-20 minutes. Writing, narration and discussion have to be done in English language.
The Group Discussion part of the PPDT is almost indistinguishable from that of the one in the GTO test. You would have seen that at whatever point somebody has a discussion about any subject, conflicts and clashes will undoubtedly occur. That is also the concept of GD (Group Discussion) in PPDT.
Conflict can prompt disappointment and passionate problem. However, it can likewise additionally prompt objection. Dealing with this requires a bunch of abilities. How you respond to an inconsistency in the serious case is the thing that intrigues the assessors.
The test framework needs to perceive how you respond to a logical inconsistency. It is right to say that you are can remain sincerely stable even with it? It is right to say that you are fit for keeping a level of persistence tuning in?
50 Basic Questions Asked In SSB Interview
How To Write PPDT Stories : Tips To Write PPDT Stories In Screening
- Write down the characters you see, the background. Note down all the points it will help you in focusing the elaboration of the story.
- The story should be positive, sensible and mature. It should not be like superman or any imaginary situation. It should be inspired from real life and authentic.
- Make sure when you write the story you recall something from your experience in life or others whom you knew or any incident you saw happened. You can mix some real life incident to produce any story but remember should be something that happens in real life.
- The purpose of this test is to find the candidates true feelings, the mentality of the candidate. Hence the assessors will sense the mentality of the candidates, their approach to things, intellectual and their social connection how one can make things easy for others around.
- Do not try to make things complicated by thinking unnecessarily which are not given in the picture or trying to deduce any condition eg. Trying to deduce a situation of robbery or fight when you simple see some people on picture. Stick to what you saw on picture and elaborate a positive story.
- Try to keep your normal self in the story as a leading character and how can it bring change in society in positive sense if not any real incident.
- Be confident, clear, real and authentic while writing story. Better be real even if it will show some negative points. At the end we are human and we can never be perfect. Otherwise, you may lose the chance as assessors won’t get your real psychological state.
- Do not write pre-decided stories that you have seen/read from any source.
- Avoid writing impractical stories – which is impossible to happen in real life. For Example – a single man fights with 10 goons.
- Try to avoid negative, pessimistic, and Anti-Social trends in your story.
- Write a short and crisp story having about 100-120 words.
- If the picture shown has some negative sentiments, try writing some positive aspects of that picture, but do not unnecessarily make the positive story of a negative-themed picture.
- Avoid overwriting or cutting while writing your story.