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“Every cloud has a silver lining”
Each and every individual possess some positive qualities along with some negative and this characteristic is why we are humans.
Self Description is the last round of the psychology test.
The main purpose of conducting it is to confirm the traits or personality of the aspirants evaluated based on TAT, SRT and WAT. In self description candidates have to consider 4-5 points:_
- How your parents view you?
- How your teachers view you?
- How your friends view you?
- How you view yourself?
- What changes or how can you improve yourself?
Basically it is to confirm the deducted personality report prepared by the psychologist.
The Interviewing Officer before the interview round go through the entire psychology test conducted before self description and overview the reports prepared by psychologist.
Since this test is for confirmation of the report already prepared candidates should not write anything which will contradict their report. Aspirants should be very clear and honest while writing self description.
The psychologist is an expert to take out the true feelings from TAT, WAT and SRT even those aspirants trying to conceal. So anything candidates mentioning contradicting the report will cost the selection.
When writing for self description make sure you focus more on positive qualities which reflect leadership, confidence, social network etc.
Do mention weaknesses also that will make them believe you are being true because everyone will boast about them when it comes to self description but only a mature, sensible and brave person speaks up positive qualities along with weaknesses.
Weakness doesn’t mean that stating your negative qualities especially those which can have bad impact like uncontrollable anger, sometimes get wild etc.
IO will already have an overview of your report and they likely to ask questions based on that to see your response.
They might be very friendly with you but do not get blow away with that, the person sitting there had experienced of being in your position.
The person has his children of your age so knows how youth thinks.
Be honest and clear and state everything short, do not exaggerate, focus more on strength than weakness and practice a lot from before, improve handwriting and speed.
An example of how you should write:-
My parents think of me as a responsible person and appreciate my interest in extracurricular activities but aren’t satisfied with my academics and told me I can do better.
They discuss with me issues related to family and ask my opinion before taking any decision.
My teachers also are not much satisfied with my academics but really appreciate my contribution in extracurricular activities as I got many medals for school and college for sports.
I was made college captain by our principal for making school proud and as a responsible student.
My friends think of me as a very jovial person and who is always ready to help them even if it is late at night.
Sometimes we have different thinking on any topic but that is completely fine as we should respect others opinion and have a look from their perspective.
I view myself as a person who is responsible and much interested in sports, games than academics.
I have weakness like any other human that I am not much social, lack in current affairs and when I get upset I don’t clear issues for sometime as I would like to be alone though
I am trying to overcome this. I am a strong headed, hard working, responsible person.
I want to overcome my weakness and groom myself with more positive qualities and want to stay updated.
Do not copy of others and in Trishul Defence Academy the best NDA coaching we train and teach aspirants about how they can view themselves and know about their qualities. Be a part of one of the best SSB Interview coaching and mark you journey to success.