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What are Officer Like Qualities for SSB Interview
Factor I:
- Planning and Organizing– This factor includes four qualities which are associated with the mental aspects of a person.
- Effective Intelligence– This is the ability of a person to evolve solutions to practical problems. It is different from basic intelligence which is measured using the intelligence tests (Verbal and Non-Verbal). In EI the assessor wants to see if you can solve day to day problems and cope with minor difficulties of daily life.
- Reasoning Ability– It is the ability of a person to grasp a given situation and arrive at a conclusion by rational thinking. In RA the assessors are looking for your receptivity, inquiring attitude, logical reasoning and the ability to see the essentials of a problem.
- Organizing Ability– It is the ability to use the resources systematically to produce effective results. In OA, the assessors are interested in seeing how you use the various resources to produce results.
- Power of Expression – It is the ability to put across one’s ideas adequately and with ease and clarity.
Factor II:
- Social Adjustment – This factor includes three qualities which are associated with the heart/conscience of the person.
- Social Adaptability. It is the ability of a person to adapt himself to the social environment and adjust well with persons and social groups. The assessor is interested in your abilities to adapt to the members of the group, how you interact with them, with the assessor, are you tactful in your dealings with others etc.
- Cooperation – It is the attitude of an individual to participate willingly and in harmony with others in a group achieving the group goal. It is important to be a team player and one must not be selfish. The group aim and objectives should be most important as compared to individual aims and objectives. The assessors will be keen in seeing your team attitude.
- Sense of Responsibility – It is the thorough understanding of the values of duty, social standard, and of what is expected of an individual and then giving it his energy and attention on own accord. The assessor is keen on knowing if you understand your duty as a child/student/citizen of a country and do you have a right sense of what is the social standard and know what is expected of you as an individual, and then do you give your best energy and attention towards it without anybody having to remind you or tell you. For example, if as a student you have not done well in school/college and do not have a valid reason for poor performance it will be interpreted as low sense of responsibility. Because, as a student your duty is to study hard, and if you have failed to do that it will obviously mean that your sense of responsibility is low.
Factor III:
- Social Effectiveness – This factor includes five qualities which are an outcome of the dynamic interaction of the above two factors, i.e. head and the heart.
- Initiative. It is the ability to originate an action. The assessors see if you take the lead in the right direction and sustain it till the result is achieved.
- Self Confidence – It is the faith in your own abilities to meet stressful and unfamiliar situations.
- Speed of Decision – It is the ability to arrive at a workable decision quickly. There are two components of this namely, appropriateness of the decision and quickness in arriving at the decision.
- Ability to Influence the Group– It is the ability of a person to influence others in the group to achieve the objectives set by him/her. What is seen is, if you can convince others to do things willingly that you want them to do without use of any force.
- Liveliness – It is the capacity of a person to remain calm and cheerful when faced with difficulties, and bring about a cheerful atmosphere in the group. What is seen is, if you get unduly worried or disturbed when faced with difficult situations.
Factor IV:
- Dynamic– This factor includes three qualities which are associated with the limbs or the coordination between the mind and the body.
- Determination – It is the ability to put in sustained efforts to achieve objectives in spite of obstacles and setbacks. The assessors see whether you are focused, able to concentrate on the task and continuously work towards achieving the objectives.
- Courage – It is the ability to appreciate and take purposive risks. What is important is to take risks only where required and that too after careful thought. Some candidates tend to take rash decisions which may endanger the life of subordinates and that is undesirable. Hence, what is important is ‘calculated risks when required’.
- Stamina – It is the capacity to withstand protracted physical and mental strain. It includes both physical and mental endurance.
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Trishul Defence Academy was set up in year 2003 by an Ex NDA Late Wing Commander Anoop Mehrotra . In 19 yrs Trishul Defence Academy has given more than 570 Officers to Indian Armed Forces and the Count is still on. If you are a Girl and you wish to Join SSB come and be a Part of Trishul Defence Academy.
About the Accessors In Trishul Defence Academy
Col Pankaj Mehrotra himself was Deputy President with Army Selection Board (Bhopal and Bangalore) and was Ex NDA and Ex IO.Complete Interview Technique and Psychological Technique is taught to Candidates under him..
Col. Dutt is the GTO With Trishul Defence Academy. Col Somitro Dutt himself is an Ex GTO Officer and was with Kapoorthala Board .Complete Technique is Taught by him with State Of Art Infrastructure,Updated GPE Models,Outdoor GTO Task and thorough techniques of use of Helping Materials is taught by him…
Abhinav Mehrotra son Of Late Wing Commander Anoop Mehrotra gives thorough Practice of Lecturette and Group Discussions everyday so that Personality of the Candidates can be Groomed
In 19 Years Trishul Defence Academy has given over 570 Officers to Indian Armed Forces and the Count is still on………………….Join Trishul Defence Academy for Best SSB Coaching and improve your chances of Selections…
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Jai Hind…