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Every year UPSC conducts CDS paper twice a year for the recruitment of Officers in the Indian Armed Forces. As the name suggests it is a Combined Defence Examination for joining Indian Army, Indian Navy & Indian Airforce as an Officer by the courses carried out by Indian Military Academy, Indian Air Force Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Officers training Academy.
Now the students can sit and relax as they have done their part and CDS 2 2019 written examination is over. The exam was held on 8th September 2019 to fill in the total vacancy of 417 candidates. Like always CDS 2 2019 was conducted in 3 meetings i.e., the first paper was of English from 9 am to 11 am , second paper is of General Knowledge from 12 pm to 2 pm and the third paper is of Elementary Mathematics held from 3pm to 5pm.
As the CDS 2 2019 examination is over, the students must be curious to know about their paper. Here we are sharing the detailed analysis of the CDS 2 2019 History section of General Knowledge paper. This analysis will contain the comparison of CDS 2 2019 paper with the previous year’s paper as well as the number of questions asked and their level of difficulty.
The G.K paper is of 2 hours, comprising of 120 questions of 100 marks. CDS papers also contain negative marking, for each wrong question a negative marking of one-third marks is applicable.
Here we are analysing the History portion of G.K paper by dividing the questions based on different periods of History.
Ancient History | 04 Questions |
Medieval History | 02 Question |
Modern History | 09 Questions |
Polity contained a total of 15 questions in General Knowledge Paper. Based on the subject analysis done above we can say that Modern history played the most important part in overall history section.
Talking about the difficulty level History questions were on easy moderate level. As compared to CDS I 2019 with CDS II 2019 the level of questions were same just in some questions the level was moderate otherwise it was an easy go paper for the candidates but the number of question were less this time.
We, Trishul Defence Academy the best coaching institute for CDS examination running under the guidance of Wing Cdr. Anoop Mehrotra ( ex. NDA, ex. GTO) , wish all the very best to each and every candidate of CDS 2 2019.
Trishul Defence Academy
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Contact No: 8400083030
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