Four Naxalites were killed in an encounter with the police in Maharashtra’s Gadchiroli on Saturday. A senior police officer gave information about this. This encounter took place this morning in Dhanora of Gyarbatti forest area in Gadchiroli. This place is about 920 km away from Mumbai.
On receiving information about the presence of Naxalites, the police team went here for a search operation. Meanwhile, the Naxalites hiding there started firing on the policemen. In response, the police also started firing. Four Naxalites were killed in this firing. The police officer said that the encounter is still going on.
Significantly, the campaign against Naxalites has intensified across the country. In this episode, Naxalites have been arrested in Jharkhand on Friday. At the same time, many Naxalites had recently surrendered in Chhattisgarh.