Rohtak’s Vita Milk Plant has reached the army. Now the supply of milk has started from the milk plant. Officials say that this is a better opportunity for us, because instead of the army canteen, milk is being supplied directly to the army. Earlier, milk was supplied from Rajasthan, which was a company of another milk plant.
According to the officials of Rohtak Milk Plant, the supply of milk has started from the last few months. Milk plant officials say that the milk was tested on the quality of the army. The supply of milk started when the Standard Standard was met. He told that in some countries milk is used in life saving medicines. Hence the milk supply comes from here. Being an army matter, when and how and from which plant milk is supplied, it was not told.
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The Co-Operative Department operates the VITA. Vita has already started producing special milk for sportspersons as well. Started the production of two liters of milk polythene during the Corona period. The reason for this was that everyone needed milk during the Corona period. This polythene is also cheaper than other products. Describing the merits of the milk prepared for the players, the officials said that the trial was held. Everything turned out fine. This milk is mildly sweet, it is a better product for those who are vegetarian. Officials also say that some foreign countries also have milk supplies.
The credibility of our product will say that milk is being supplied to the army as well. It is also good that milk is being supplied directly to the army instead of the army canteen. – Rajbir Singh, Chairman, Vita Milk Plant, Rohtak