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What is GTO (Group Testing Obstcales) in SSB Interview ?

Exam Notification 2024

what is gto in ssb interview

What is GTO (Group Testing Obstcales) in SSB Interview ?

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What is GTO in SSB Interview ?

In This Blog we are going to Discuss about GTO Series in Detail. The GTO series comprising of nine tasks is spread over two days. Certain tasks are conducted on day one and the balance on day two. Before the start of the tasks the candidates will be divide in groups of ten. This group of ten candidates will be in a serial order ,ie, ( 1-10,11-20,21-30 &31-40). This grouping will not change for the two days of GTO series. Once the groups are separated, a GTO ( Group Testing Officer ) will come to each group. GTO will be with the group for both the days and shall conduct all nine tasks over two days. The GTO will introduce him/herself and then proceed to address the group, (listen attentively). The GTO will speak at length and out- line aspects as required, only after the opening talk is over the tasks will be conducted. The order of conduct of the tasks is as under:

(a)  Group Discussion (GD)

(b)  Group Planning (GP)

(c)  Progressive Group task (PGT)

(d) Group Obstacle Race (GOR)

(e)  Half Group Task (HGT)

(f) Individual Obstacles (IO)

(g) Lecturette

(h) Command Task (CT)

(j) Final Group Task (FGT)

Before each task GTO will describe in detail as to what is to be done and how is it to be done. A brief out-line of all tasks is as follows:


(a) Group Discussion : In this task the group is required to discuss a topic as given by the GTO. There shall be two discussion, in the first discussion two topics will be offered by the GTO, of which the candidates will be allowed to choose one . In the second discussion, the GTO will give the topic and there shall be no choice. The GD is an informal exchange of views within the group, nobody is to be addressed neither is a conclusion required. Each discussion could be of 20-25 minutes.

(b) Group Planning: As the name suggests the group is required to make a plan, in this task a story will be narrated , candidates are a part of the story. The story shall have some problems/ situations, candidates are required to form a plan of action to solve the problems or resolve the situations. The group will be discussing and then arrive at a conclusion.

This task is carried out in five parts.

(i)  Part one : A model is introduced to the group by the GTO.

(ii)  Part two: A story related to the model is read out.

(iii)  Part three: Each candidate is given a copy of the story to read and understand the story/ situation. A time of 5 minutes is allotted for the same.

(iv)  Part four: The copy of the story is taken back and a sheet of paper is provided to each candidate to write his/her own solution. Time allotted for the purpose is 10 minutes.

(v)   Part five : After the individual solutions are submitted the group is required to discuss amongst themselves and form a group plan. In the end one of the candidates may be asked to give out the group plan. Time for discussion could be about 20 – 25 minutes.

(c)  Progressive Group Task: In this task the group is required to cross four obstacles. Obstacles are made at the SSB by drawing two parallel lines with a fair gap between them, land in between the lines cannot be stepped on. The task is to get from own side of the start line to the other side of the finishing line, to get across some structures are fixed on the ground and some helping material in the form of planks , poles and ropes are provided to make bridges or reduce the distance to make it feasible to cross. There are five rules ; Group rule, Colour rule, Distance rule, Rule of rigidity and Rule of infinity. On breaking of any rule there is a penalty which is to repeat the action without breaking any rule or doing a different action. Observing rules and working as per then is the responsibility of the candidates. Time about 40 minutes.

(d)  Group Obstacle Race: ( Not in AFSB) The group is required to compete with the other groups in this obstacle race. There are six obstacle in the race. Each obstacle is shown one by one and the method to negotiate it, is also explained. Rules and penalty are also explained.

(e)  Half Group Task: In this task the group is divided into two and one obstacle , as in PGT, has to be negotiated. When one half of the group is negotiating the obstacle the other part of the group will not be allowed to be a spectator but will be seated away from the obstacle, after one half of the group has finished the task they too will be sent away. All rules as in PGT will be applicable, helping material and load will be provided. Time about 20-25 minutes to each sub-group.

(f)  Lecturette : ( Not in AFSB) This is a short talk limited to 3 minutes. Each candidate will be required to give a short talk on the topic chosen from amongst four topics offered (which are written on a card). Each candidate will get a different card. 3 minutes are allowed for preparation and immediately after the preparation time is over, candidate will face the group and deliver the talk in the next 3 minutes . The monitoring of time is done by the GTO, who will use a bell for the time signal. The task shall continue till all candidates of the group deliver their talk one by one.

(g)   Individual Obstacles: This is another task which the candidates will do individually ,ie, one by one. In this task candidates are required to negotiate 10 obstacles in a time of 3minutes. The obstacles are numbered serially 1-10 and the points which can be scored are equal to the serial number. In case a candidate negotiates all the obstacles and has time left, the candidate can then repeat any obstacle and score that many extra points, however to do it a third time the candidate will have to negotiate successfully all the 10 obstacle twice. The obstacles are not laid out in any particular order therefore candidates are free to negotiate obstacle in any order they feel like. The GTO shall show each obstacle and explain the method in which the obstacle is to be negotiated, no trial is allowed. GTO will signal with the help of a whistle the start and finish of 3 minutes.

If you are a Defence Aspirant and you are looking for SSB Coaching Come and Join Trishul Defence Academy. Trishul Defence Academy was founded in 2003 by Late Wing Commander Anoop Mehrotra an Ex GTO.Since 2003 Till now Trishul Defence Academy has given over 570 Officers to Indian Armed Forces.With Demise of Wing Commander Anoop Mehrotra in 2021Col Dutta Took over as the GTO Officer in Trishul Defence Academy.

The Complete SSB Classes are run under guidance of Col Pankaj Mehrotra Ex Dep President of Allahabad Board(11,34SSB Board) and Bhopal Board(21,22 SSB Board).If you are looking For Best SSB Interview Coaching-Come and Join Trishul Defence Academy.

Trishul Defence Academy founded in 2003 by Late Wing Commander Anoop Mehrotra who himself was Ex NDA, Ex GTO. Wing commander Anoop Mehrotra himself was with 4 AFSB (Varanasi and 2 AFSB (Mysore). Post his demise Col Pankaj Mehrotra took over as SSB in Charge.

About the Accessors of SSB Interview In Trishul Defence Academy

Col Pankaj Mehrotra himself was Deputy President with Army Selection Board (Bhopal and Bangalore) and was Ex NDA and Ex IO.Complete Interview Technique and Psychological Technique is taught to Candidates under him

Col Smitro Dutt is the GTO With Trishul Defence Academy. Col Somitro Dutt himself is an Ex GTO Officer and was with Kapoorthala Board .Complete Technique is Taught by him with State Of Art Infrastructure,Updated GPE Models,Outdoor GTO Task and thorough techniques of use of Helping Materials is taught by him.


Abhinav Mehrotra son Of Late Wing Commander Anoop Mehrotra gives thorough Practice of Lecturette and Group Discussions everyday so that Personality of the Candidates can be Groomed

In 19 Years Trishul Defence Academy has given over 570 Officers to Indian Armed Forces and the Count is still on………………….Join Trishul Defence Academy for Best SSB Coaching and improve your chances of Selections

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Jai Hind…

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