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MNS Through NEET Exam Syllabus | NEET Exam Pattern

Exam Notification 2024

MNS Through NEET Exam Syllabus

MNS Through NEET Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern

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MNS Through NEET Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern

The National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET)

NEET (UG) is being conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) since 2019 with the
approval of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Ministry of Human
Resource Development (which is now known as the Ministry of Education), for admission
to the undergraduate medical education in all medical institutions, including those governed
under any other law in force

Indian Army MNS Through NEET Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern

The Entrance Test shall consist of 200 multiple choice questions (four options with a single
correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology). 50 questions in
each subject will be divided into two sections (A and B) as per the details given below:
Section A shall consist of 35 (Thirty-five) Questions in each subject (Question Nos. – 1 to
35, 51 to 85, 101 to 135 and 151 to 185). All questions are compulsory.

Section B shall consist of 15 (Fifteen) Questions in each subject (Question Nos. – 36 to 50,
86 to 100, 136 to 150 and 186 to 200). In Section B, a candidate needs to attempt any 10
(Ten) questions out of 15 (Fifteen) in each subject.

There will be Negative Marking for both Sections i.e., Section A and Section B.
The candidate is required to attempt only 180 out of 200 MCQs.

MNS Through NEET Exam Pattern

The cutoff must be lower to MBBS.

Candidates are advised to read all 15 questions in each subject of Section B before they
start attempting the question paper. In the event of a candidate attempting more than ten
questions, the first ten questions answered by the candidate shall be evaluated.

Medium of Question Paper:

 Candidates opting for English would be provided Test Booklet in English only.
 Candidates opting for Hindi/Regional Language would be provided a Bilingual Test
Booklet i.e. in Hindi/Regional Language and English. In case of any ambiguity in the
translation of any of the questions, its English version shall be treated as final. Syllabus

MNS Through NEET Exam Syllabus

BIOLOGY syllabus topic wise


  1. Animal Kingdom
  2. Structural Organisation in Animals
  3. Biomolecules
  4. Digestion and Absorption
  5. Breathing and Exchange of Gases
  6. Body Fluids and Circulation
  7. Excretory Products and their Elimination
  8. Locomotion and Movement
  9. Neural Control and Coordination
  10. Chemical Coordination and Integration
  11. Human Reproduction
  12. Reproductive Health
  13. Evolution
  14. Human Health and Disease
  15. Biotechnology Principles and Processes
  16. Biotechnology and its Applications


  1. Microbes in Human Welfare
  2. Organisms and Populations
  3. Ecosystem
  4. Biodiversity and Conservation
  5. Environmental Issues
  6. The Living World
  7. Biological Classification
  8. Plant Kingdom
  9. Morphology of Flowering Plants
  10. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
  11. Cell – The Unit of Life
  12. Cell Cycle and Cell Division
  13. Transport in Plants
  14. Mineral Nutrition
  15. Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
  16. Respiration in Plants
  17. Plant Growth and Development
  18. Reproduction in Organisms
  19. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
  20. Principles of Inheritance and Variation
  21. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
  22. Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production


  1. Units and Measurement
  2. Motion in A Straight Line
  3. Motion in A Plane
  4. Laws of Motion
  5. Work, Energy, and Power
  6. Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion
  7. Gravitation
  8. Mechanical Properties of Solids
  9. Mechanical Properties of Fluids
  10. Thermal Properties of Matter
  11. Thermodynamics
  12. Kinetic Theory of Gases
  13. Oscillations
  14. Waves
  15. Mathematical Tools
  16. Electric Charges and Fields

  17. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
  18. Current Electricity
  19. Moving Charges and Magnetism
  20. Magnetism and Matter
  21. Electromagnetic Induction
  22. Alternating Current
  23. Electromagnetic Waves
  24. Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
  25. Wave Optics.
  26. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
  27. Atoms
  28. Nuclei
  29. Semiconductor Electronics


  1. Some Basic Concepts Of Chemistry
  2. Structure of Atom
  3. Classification of Elements and Periodicity
  4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
  5. The States of Matter
  6. Thermodynamics
  7. Equilibrium
  8. Redox Reactions
  9. Hydrogen
  10. The s-Block Elements
  11. The p-Block Elements (XI)
  12. Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles And
  13. Hydrocarbons
  14. Environmental Chemistry
  15. The Solid State
  16. Solutions
  • Electrochemistry

  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Surface Chemistry
  • General Principles and Processes of Isolation of
  • The p-Block Elements (XII)
  • The d and f Block Elements
  • Coordination Compounds
  • Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
  • Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
  • Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
  • Amines
  • Biomolecules
  • Polymers
  • Chemistry in Everyday Life
  • Reaction Mechanism
  • Differentiations & Conversions – Organic Chemistry
  • Why NEET

    Science point by point Prospectus

    Unit 1 – Variety in Living World

    Biodiversity; Need for characterization; Three areas of life; Scientific categorization and Systematics; Idea of species and ordered order; Binomial terminology; Instruments for investigation of Scientific categorization Herbaria, Professional flowerbeds; Five realm characterization; Striking highlights and arrangement of plants; Notable elements and characterization of creatures

    Unit 2 – Underlying Association in Creatures and Plants

    Morphology and alterations; Tissues; Life systems and elements of various pieces of blooming plants; Creature tissues;

    Morphology, life structures, and elements of various frameworks

    Unit 3 – Cell Design and Capacity

    Cell hypothesis and cell as the essential unit of life; Design of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; Plant cell and creature cell; Substance constituents of living cells: Biomolecules; Cell division

    Unit 4 – Plant Physiology

    Transport in plants; Significant distance transport of water; Happening Opening and shutting of stomata; Take-up and movement of mineral supplements; Dissemination of gases Mineral sustenance; Inadequacy side effects; Mineral poisonousness; Rudimentary thought of Aquaculture; Nitrogen digestion Nitrogen cycle, natural nitrogen obsession Photosynthesis; Site of photosynthesis occur; Photochemical and biosynthetic periods of photosynthesis; Cyclic and non-cyclic and photophosphorylation; Chemiosmotic theory; Photorespiration C3 and C4 pathways; Elements influencing photosynthesis Breath; Cell breath; Energy relations-Number of ATP particles created; Amphibolic pathways; Respiratory remainder Plant development and improvement; Separation, dedifferentiation and Redifferentiation; Grouping of formative process in a plant cell; Development Controllers; Vernalisation; Photoperiodism

    Unit 5 – Human Physiology

    Assimilation and ingestion; Egestion; Nourishing and stomach related messes Breathing and Breath; Respiratory framework in people; Component of breathing and its guideline in people; Problems connected with breath Asthma, Emphysema, Word related respiratory issues Body liquids and flow; Human circulatory framework; Guideline of cardiovascular movement; Problems of circulatory framework Hypertension, Coronary supply route illness, Angina pectoris, Cardiovascular breakdown Excretory items and their end; Human excretory framework; Pee development, Osmoregulation; Guideline of kidney work Renin-angiotensin, Atrial Natriuretic Variable, ADH and Diabetes insipidus; Problems; Uraemia, Renal disappointment, renal calculi, Nephritis; Dialysis and counterfeit kidney
    Headway and Development; Skeletal framework and its capacities; Joints; Problems of solid and skeletal framework Myasthenia Gravis, Tetany, Strong dystrophy, Joint inflammation, Osteoporosis, Gout

    A Tactical Point ………

    Brain control and coordination; Sensory system in people focal sensory system, fringe sensory system and instinctive sensory system Age and conduction of nerve drive; Reflex activity; Receptors; Rudimentary design and capacity of eye and ear Compound coordination and guideline; Human endocrine framework Nerve center, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Balls; Instrument of chemical activity; Job of chemicals as couriers and controllers; Hypo-and hyperactivity and related messes Class twelfth section-wise NEET Science prospectus.

    Unit 1 – Multiplication

    Proliferation in creatures; Abiogenetic propagation; Modes Sexual proliferation in blooming plants: Blossom structure; Advancement of male and female gametophytes; Fertilization types, organizations, and models; Outbreeding gadgets; Dust Pistil cooperation; Twofold preparation; Post-treatment occasions Improvement of endosperm and undeveloped organism, Advancement of seed and development of the natural product; Unique modes-apomixis,

    parthenocarpy, polyembryony; Meaning of seed and organic product arrangement Human Propagation; Infinitesimal life structures of testis
    furthermore, ovary; Gametogenesis-spermatogenesis and oogenesis; Feminine cycle; Preparation, incipient organism advancement up to blastocyst arrangement, implantation; Pregnancy and placenta development; Parturition; Lactation

    Conceptive wellbeing: Need for regenerative well-being and anticipation of physically sent infections (sexually transmitted disease); Anti-conception medication
    Need and Techniques, Contraception and Clinical End of Pregnancy (MTP); Amniocentesis; Fruitlessness and helped conceptive advances — IVF, ZIFT, GIFT

    Unit 2 – Hereditary qualities and Advancement

    Heredity and variety: Mendelian Legacy; Chromosome hypothesis of legacy; Chromosomes and qualities; Sex
    assurance In people, birds, bumble bee; Linkage and getting over; Sex-connected legacy Hemophilia, Variety
    visual impairment; Mendelian problems in people Thalassemia; Chromosomal issues in people; Down’s condition, Turner’s furthermore, Klinefelter’s disorders Sub-atomic premise of Legacy: Quest for hereditary material and DNA as hereditary material; Construction of DNA and RNA; DNA bundling; DNA replication; Focal authoritative opinion; Record, hereditary code, interpretation; Quality articulation and guideline Lac Operon; Genome and human genome project; DNA fingerprinting Development: Beginning of life; Organic advancement and confirmations for natural advancement from Fossil science, relative life systems, embryology and atomic proof); Darwin’s commitment, Current Engineered Hypothesis of Advancement; Component of development; Quality stream and hereditary float; Tough Weinberg’s standard; Versatile Radiation; Human advancement

    Unit 3 – Science and Human Government assistance

    Wellbeing and Sickness; Essential ideas of immunology-antibodies; Disease, HIV and Helps; Pre-adulthood, medication and liquor misuse Improvement in food creation; Plant reproducing, tissue culture, single cell protein, Bio stronghold; Apiculture and Creature farming Microorganisms in human government assistance: In family food handling, modern creation, sewage treatment, energy age and as biocontrol specialists and bio composts

    Unit 4 – Biotechnology and Its Applications Standards and interaction of Biotechnology:

    Hereditary designing, Use of Biotechnology in wellbeing and agribusiness: Human insulin and antibody creation, quality treatment; Hereditarily altered life forms Bt crops; Transgenic Creatures; Biosafety issues-Bio robbery and licenses

    Unit 5 – Biology and climate Living beings and climate;

    Populace associations mutualism, rivalry, predation, parasitism; Populace ascribes development, rate of birth and demise rate, age dissemination Environment; Energy stream

    A Tactical Point ………

    Pyramids of number, biomass, energy; Supplement cycling; Natural progression; Environmental Administrations Carbon obsession, fertilization, oxygen discharge Biodiversity and its preservation; Examples of Biodiversity; Significance of Biodiversity; Loss of Biodiversity; Biodiversity preservation; Areas of interest, imperiled creatures, annihilation, Red Information Book, biosphere holds, Public parks and asylums Ecological issues: Air contamination and its control; Water contamination and its control; Agrochemicals and their belongings; Strong squander the board; Radioactive waste administration; Nursery impact and an unnatural weather change; Ozone consumption; Deforestation Material science.

    Unit 1 – Electrostatics

    Electric charges and their protection. Coulomb’s regulation power between two point charges, electric
    field, electric field because of a point charge, electric field lines, electric transition, proclamation of Gauss’
    hypothesis, electric potential, possible contrast, conveyors and protectors, dielectrics and electric
    polarization, capacitors and capacitance, Van de Graff generator

    Unit 2 – Flow power

    Electric flow, Ohm’s regulation, electrical opposition, V-I qualities, carbon resistors, variety code for
    carbon resistors, inside obstruction of a cell, Kirchhoff’s regulations, Wheatstone span, meter span.

    Unit 3 – Attractive impacts of current and attraction

    Idea of attractive field, Oersted’s analysis. Biot-Savart regulation, Ampere’s regulation, cyclotron, force on
    a current-conveying guide in a uniform attractive field. Force between two equal current-conveying
    guides, force experienced by an ongoing circle in an attractive field; moving curl galvanometer
    Current circle, attractive field force, force on an attractive dipole, bar magnet as a same solenoid, attractive field lines; Earth’s attractive field. Para-, dia-and ferro-attractive substances Electromagnetic and factors influencing their assets. Long-lasting magnets

    Unit 4 – Electromagnetic acceptance and exchanging current

    Electromagnetic acceptance; rotating flows, AC generator and transformer

    Unit 5 – Electromagnetic waves

    Need for relocation current, electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic range

    Unit 6 – Optics

    Impression of light, round mirrors, reflect recipe. Refraction of light, complete interior reflection,
    amplification, force of a focal point, refraction and scattering of light through a crystal, dispersing of light,
    optical instruments, magnifying lens and galactic telescopes (reflecting and refracting) and their
    amplifying powers., wave optics, evidence of laws of reflection and refraction utilizing Huygens standard,
    impedance, diffraction because of a solitary cut, settling force of magnifying instruments and galactic
    telescopes. Polarization, plane captivated light; Brewster’s regulation

    Unit 7 – Double nature of issue and radiation

    Photoelectric impact, Hertz and Lenard’s perceptions; Einstein’s photoelectric condition – molecule
    nature of light, matter waves

    A Tactical Point ………

    Unit 8 – Iotas and cores

    Alpha particles, levels, hydrogen range, organization and size of core, nuclear masses, isotopes,
    isobars; isotones, radioactivity, mass-energy connection, mass deformity

    Unit 9 – Electronic gadgets

    Energy groups in solids, I-V qualities, Zener diode as a voltage controller. Intersection semiconductor,
    semiconductor activity, oscillator, rationale doors Science

    Unit 10 – A few essential ideas of Science General

    Unit 7 – Balance

    Balance in Physical and substance processes, law of synthetic harmony, balance steady,
    Le Chatelier’s guideline, ionic harmony, hydrolysis of salts, cushion arrangements, Henderson condition,
    solvency item, normal particle impact

    Unit 8 – Redox responses

    Idea of oxidation and oxidation and decrease, redox responses oxidation number

    Unit 9 – Hydrogen

    Event, isotopes, readiness, properties and utilizations of hydrogen, hydrides-ionic, covalent and
    interstitial, weighty water; hydrogen peroxide-readiness

    A Tactical Point ………

    Unit 10 – s-Square elements(Alkali and soluble earth metals)

    Bunch 1 and gathering 2 components: Electronic arrangement, event, bizarre properties of the first
    component of each gathering, arrangement and properties of a few significant mixtures Sodium carbonate,
    sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide and sodium hydrogen carbonate, modern utilization of lime and
    limestone, organic significance of Mg and Ca

    Unit 11 – Some p-block components

    General prologue to p-Square components Gathering 13 components: Electronic arrangement, event,
    variety of properties, oxidation of states, patterns in synthetic reactivity, significant mixtures: borax,
    boric acids, boron hydrides, aluminum General 14 components: Electronic setup, event,
    variety of properties, oxidation of states, patterns in synthetic reactivity, irregular way of behaving of first
    component, carbon Significant mixtures of silicon

    Unit 12 – Natural Science A few Essential Standards and Procedures

    Strategies for filtration subjective and quantitative examination, arrangement and IUPAC terminology
    of natural mixtures, electronic relocations in a covalent bond, homolytic and heterolytic splitting
    of a covalent bond

    Unit 13 – Hydrocarbons

    Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, fragrant hydrocarbons

    Unit 14 – Natural Science

    Ecological contamination – Air, water and soil contamination

    Class twelfth part wise NEET Science schedule

    Unit 1 – Strong state

    Grouping of solids in view of various restricting powers; band hypothesis of metals, directors,
    semiconductors and covers

    Unit 2 – Arrangements

    Kinds of arrangements, articulation of grouping of arrangements of solids in fluids, the dissolvability of gases
    in fluids, strong arrangements, colligative properties

    Unit 3 – Electrochemistry

    Redox responses, conductance in electrolytic arrangements, explicit and molar conductivity variety of
    conductivity with fixation, lead aggregator, EMF of a cell, standard cathode potential,
    connection between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell, power devices; consumption

    Unit 4 – Compound Energy

    Pace of a reaction(average and prompt), factors influencing paces of response; fixation,
    temperature, impetus; request and molecularity of a response; rate regulation and explicit rate steady,
    enactment energy, Arrhenius condition

    Unit 5 – Surface Science

    Adsorption, differentiation between evident arrangements, colloids and suspensions; lyophilic, lyophobic
    multimolecular and macromolecular colloids; properties of colloids; Tyndall impact, Brownian
    development, electrophoresis, coagulation; emulsions
    Unit 6 – General standards and cycles of disconnection of components
    Standards and strategies for extraction – focus, oxidation, decrease electrolytic techniques and
    refining; event and standards of extraction of aluminum, copper, zinc and iron

    A Tactical Point ………

    Unit 7 – p-Square components

    Bunch 15 components, Gathering 16 components, Gathering 17 components, Gathering 18 components

    Unit 8 – d and f Square components

    General presentation, electronic design, qualities of progress metals, general patterns in
    properties of the main line change metals, arrangement and properties of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4,
    lanthanide, actinides

    Unit 9 – Coordination Mixtures

    Coordination compounds – Presentation, ligands, coordination number, variety, attractive properties
    also, shapes, IUPAC classification of mononuclear coordination compounds, isomerism (underlying and
    sound system) holding, Werner’s hypothesis VBT,CFT; significance of coordination compounds

    Unit 10 – Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

    Haloalkanes, haloarenes, dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons,
    DDT – Classification, strategies for planning, physical and compound properties

    Unit 11 – Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

    Alcohols – Classification, techniques for readiness, physical and substance properties (of essential
    alcohols just); recognizable proof of essential, optional and tertiary alcohols, instrument of lack of hydration,
    utilizes with exceptional reference to methanol and ethanol, phenol, ethers

    Unit 12 – Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids

    Aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids – Terminology, techniques for planning, physical and
    compound properties

    Unit 13 – Natural mixtures containing Nitrogen

    Amines – terminology, order, structure, strategies for planning, physical and compound
    properties, utilizes, recognizable proof of essential auxiliary and tertiary amines, cyanides and isocyanides,
    diazonium salts

    Unit 14 – Biomolecules

    Sugars – Characterization (aldoses and ketoses), monosaccharide (glucose and fructose), D.L.
    setup, oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose,
    glycogen): significance, proteins, chemicals, nutrients, nucleic acids – DNA and RNA

    Unit 15 – Polymers

    Grouping – normal and engineered, techniques for polymerization (expansion and buildup),
    copolymerization. A few significant polymers: regular and manufactured like polyesters, Bakelite; elastic,
    biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers

    Unit 16 – Science in Daily existence

    Synthetic substances in medications, synthetic substances in food – additives, counterfeit improving specialists, rudimentary thought of cell reinforcements, purifying specialists

    Trishul Protection Institute attempted and provided you with an extensive of MNS prospectus
    for which endeavors have been greatest in giving the total subtleties of MNS prospectus to make your readiness more straightforward and more brilliant.


    Popular Post MNS 2022 Through NEET:-  Click Here


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