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LokSabha Speaker Om Birla
International yoga day have been celebrating all over country on Friday , 21st June 2019. It was celebrated every year on 21st june. It was celebrated in Parliament premises by LokSabha Speaker Om Birla, dreessing in white track suit.
Different staffs and ministers also parcipates in this celebration which is led by Lok Sabha Speaker in the Parliament premises. Prahlad Joshi, BJP MPs Locket Chatterjee, Poonamben Maadam and Bhupendra Yadav, and former aviation minister Suresh Prabhu were among those who participated in the celebrations at the Parliament premises.More than 400 people participated in the event.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi leds th event in Ranchi with 40000 participant
As the Paarliament premises celebration is led by Loksabha speaker P.M. Modi leds the celebration in Ranchi in which 40000 persons participate in this event with Narendra modi .
The Prime Minister after reaching Prabhat Ground he addressed to Yoga enthusiasts: he thanked all the people participating in the Yoga he told that yoga is a part of culture.
he taked about its benefits . it is good for poor people to be healthy as they cannot effort to cure illness.
“Today, we can say that awareness of Yoga in India has reached every corner of the world” said PM Modi at Ranchi during International Yoga Day.
PM Modi urged each and everyone to perform Yoga everyday for a sound body and sound mind. He concluded event with greeting people.
The United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 2014, announced that June 21 will be seen as International Yoga Day or World Yoga Day. Since 2015, International Yoga Day is been celebrated worldwide. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in September of 2014 addressed the UN assembly and discussed the essence of Yoga. Previous themes of International Yoga Day:
2015: Yoga for Harmony and Peace
2016: Connect the youth
2017: Yoga for Health
2018: Yoga for Peace
2019: Yoga for Heart
Indian Navy also celebrate Internmational Yoga Day on board INS Viraat (decommissioned ) at western Naval Dockyard in Mumbai. Hundreds of personnel participate in event. Yoga is compromise of various asanas like surya namaskar, halanthasan aalom vilom etc. which give peace to the mind .